Monday, May 25, 2009

Twitter...has it really come to this.

In early January I sat in my media culture class and watched a tutorial about this new and upcoming media rage Twitter

Like any sane person I laughed my ass off. How could someone snoop to such a pathetic level. Updating about yourself in 140 words or less. Come on let's get real. For example does anyone really care about the following...

Sean Youngberg is wondering why People are on Twitter
Alex Rodriguez would like to apologize for his past actions
Barack Obama doesn't know where to take Michelle for dinner this weekend

Apparently it seems somewhere in the range of 20 million people worldwide do, so I gave in. I guess in the end it was inevitable.

Adieu my friends. Sean Youngberg needs to get some rest, for he is substitute teaching tomorrow.

...less than 140 words, looks like I could get used to this.

If you're into Twitter and you want to follow me (woot woot! Exciting!) SeanYoungberg is the name.

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