Saturday, December 20, 2008


My social life was being escorted to the gallows courtesy of my own stubbornness.

Truth be told I shaved my beautiful stache two weeks ago -- yes I was going to a date function -- and yes I was weak and gave in to the temptations and went clean lip.

I didn't know how to tell all of you that I had given in quicker than the French to the Viet Cong but it just kind of happened.

The true credit goes out to all of those who supported me during my triumph to inform the world of facial hair awareness. I'm sorry that I didn't last as long as I promised (a common theme), and I'm sorry I never grew it out until someone told me that I had a beautiful stache.

I do promise the day will come when I try again but for now I have to get my social life back on track. Thank you to all who supported me. God bless you, but above all else God Bless mustaches across this glorious country of ours.

I'm back into blogging -- a hiatus of unethical proportions is over -- my pointless blabber, and mindless thoughts will soon be yours to read again.

Love Always,


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