Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ain't looking for trouble

Tim McGraw was putting on another one of his award winning concerts at Auburn's White River Amphitheater tuesday night when a drunken and disorderly fan abused a women standing near him. 

Without hesitation McGraw called for security and than took manors into his own hand when he reached into the crowd pulled the man up with one hand and brought him on stage -- security came within moments to restrain the fan, and when the fan threatened McGraw -- well the country star clinched his fist and was ready to roll.

The band continued to play during the entire ordeal, rocking out to their hit song "Indian Outlaw," when McGraw collected himself and got back on the mic his first words "I ain't looking for trouble..."

1 comment:

B.C. Reese said...

Haha! You like Tim McGraw!